Tuesday 7 March 2017

Sanchez Leaving? Go on Wenger Give the League Away Again

It’s one of the biggest games of the season. You’re facing your arch rivals. It’s a moment to put down a marker. You have a vital defining week. You drop your best player. Why? Because you are Arsene Wenger.

A penny for Alexis Sanchez’s thought. Actually, we don’t need one. We already know. Alexis Sanchez is on his way out of Arsenal Football Club. He’s been showing the marks of a unhappy player for many months now.

sanchezIt goes back to the Bournmeouth game couple of months ago. Sanchez was infuriated his players were celebrating a 3-3 against an average Bournemouth side.

Then there was the Bayern Munich game where he looked like he was ready for home time after 55 minutes. Now, we hear he had a training ground bust up before the Liverpool game. And, then he was dropped.

Alexis Sanchez is not happy. Who can blame him? Back in January, Arsenal were sitting in the top 2. Were comfortable in the Champions League and on a winning run. Fast forward 8 weeks. Arsenal are clinging on to fifth place. Are on the verge of exiting the Champions League. And, have shown as much fight as a 6 year old Bart Simpson.

They are a joke. Alexis is a winner. He cannot stand how Arsenal can get by without winning. Robin Van Persie famously said that the biggest difference he felt after moving was that it was “okay” to not win at Arsenal. Perhaps, Alexis is finding that out now.

However, you must credit the man. On Saturday, he came on to the pitch and still gave a 110%. In fact, he changed the game. He was the best player for Arsenal. He helped them pull back a goal and remind Wenger exactly what he had done.

But, is that enough?  Probably not. As the days go by, you can see Alexis not fitting in with his team. He needs to be at a winning team with a winning mentality. The players at Arsenal do not have that. He is too good for them, he has to leave to win trophies. At the start of January, you would have said Wenger’s future determines whether Sanchez will go. But, now it looks like a certainty. He is on his way out, he has had enough.

Where will he go? Well, there will be many suitors. Some sat in France, some back home and maybe even the Manchester clubs will have a nibble to see whether they could persuade Wenger’s hand.  It’s not like it hasn’t happened before right? Sagna, Nasri, Van Persie, Fabregas…Common thing amongst them all? They’ve all won the league since.

Where will that leave Arsenal? With another major rebuild job. There are not many stars in that team and they only seem to be getting smaller. Additionally, if Wenger was to leave – who could fill the boots? It could be a massive rebuild job or it could be a managers heaven..

Whatever it is, Arsenal need a breath of fresh air. That might only happen without Wenger at the helm. Nubaid Haroon – Youtube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCtMg-fWm7awR41vM1GhVOkA  Twitter: twitter.com/rambofyi

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Sanchez Leaving? Go on Wenger Give the League Away Again posted first on http://www.felixmagazine.com/

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