Saturday 7 October 2017

Brexit: Big Crowds Are Gathering on Oct 14 in London

Not happy about about how the Govt is handling Brexit? Worried about loss of jobs, a different future or maybe you just didn’t vote to be poorer? Join the crowds who care about the UK’s future and have your say! The crowds are gathering in London on October 14th.

As everyone knows, the 48% of UK who voted to remain in the EU has probably become a much greater percentage. The country was sold a pack of lies from £350 million into the NHS to Boris and Gove promising anything and everything. Days later we found out that actually none of the promises were even remotely possible to deliver.

Now we face all sort of problems across every part of life. Not only is the Government completely without a strategy or answers to the long list of questions, they just keep pretending it’s all fine.

Facing the Facts

crowdsThe EU negotiations are going nowhere and time is running out.

The European economy continues to grow and flourish while the UK is declining.

The Boris Johnson show continues to drown out sensible discussion and the countries expense.

The Tories are in a mess over Brexit, split down the middle and unable to run a good government any more.

Theresa May is constantly being viewed as ‘keeping a chair warm’ while those around her jockey for the PM job.

Industries across the entire spectrum of life and business in the UK are warning that the outlook is poor and getting worse.

Valuable people who work hard in many areas, including the NHS, are leaving the country causing a nursing crisis.

So what to do?

crowdsIf you really care about the future of the country, our relationship with Europe then it’s simple, turn up and have your say. On the 14th October the No. 10 Vigil invites you to take part in a rally opposite Downing St.

Starting at 2pm on Whitehall, moving slowly and with sombre mood which slowly rises, excitement builds, you know something special is going to happen. Your voice is going to be heard. Along with a big crowd who feel the same!

Expect the unexpected. Expect passion from well known speakers, chanting, music, food and drink and in true No.10 Vigil-style, there will of course be a surprise “happening.’

To find out more about the initiative please visit the the No 10 Vigil’s page and sign on to your local rally that way or just turn up.

Rallies have been organised by grassroots activists – normal, everyday people from all walks of life using social media across the world to coordinate and organise. Existing groups already involved include The 48 and Beyond, European Movement, and Britain for Europe.

Don’t settle for a bad outcome from leaders who don’t care. Stand tall with big regional crowds and raise your voice!


The post Brexit: Big Crowds Are Gathering on Oct 14 in London appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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