Saturday 2 September 2017

Politics: Simba and Peggy Could Rescue Parliament

It could be the birth of a popular new piece of London folklore or perhaps even the beginning of a new pantomime: some cats coming to the rescue of the historic Palace of Westminster.

The children’s fable of Dick Whittington and his cat was an early marriage of the feline and the political, with its tale claiming that the 14th-Century Mayor of London had escaped poverty through his cat’s rat-catching skills. From 1416 Whittington strode the corridors of the Palace of Westminster as the MP for the City of London, and seven centuries later that rambling complex is being over-run by mice and other pests that are costing taxpayers a whopping bill.

Rescue cats to the rescue

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has now offered to help solve the problem by providing expert “mousers”. Battersea has about 62 rescue cats looking for a home and has highlighted two candidates, Peggy and Simba, who would love to pounce on this opportunity.

Felix Magazine thinks it’s time for a return performance of the old classic, so it set out to interview the potential heroes of this story. Felix was granted exclusive interviews for an extortionate fee, two helpings of the finest cat food.

“Well I’m the king of the mouse catchers,” said Peggy (left).

“I’m a dapper little seven-year-old with a great mani-fur-sto. I’m never so happy as when I’m chasing – and catching – those pesky little furballs. I have a strong CV and love spending time with the public. I also enjoy having a fuss made of me but like many politicians I do have an independent streak.”

“I have a proven record of bringing back presents, so I’d be in my element with plenty of mice. Mind you, I’m not that much interested in the company of other cats. Just as long as there are some humans around to spoil me. If they give me a chance at this job they won’t regret it. Purrrrrrrr.”

“Give me the job!”


Simba is full of confidence. “Mice in the Palace? No worries, you’ve come to the right purrson.

To quote a past occupant of the House, we’ll fight them on the beaches, we’ll fight them on the land, we’ll fight them in the corridors and in every corner. We will never surrender!”

“I’m gorgeous I’m a very chirpy, chatty boy, so I’d be purrfect as the new Chief Mouser of the House. Don’t hold it against me that I have ginger hair. I love to chase and pounce on my favourite toys, and mice are among my most favoured.

I have plenty of energy and will provide hours of entertainment, although in the right environment I’d also be keen for a quiet night in, to settle down and have a nice cuddle. The bottom line is, I really need the job. Purrrrrrrrr.”

Battersea first approached the Westminster authorities to suggest taking on one of their mousers in early 2014 but has had no luck despite the success of some other high-profile job placements.

Larry the cat was allocated to 10 Downing Street in February 2011; Palmerston was assigned to the Foreign Office in April 2016 and Gladstone was appointed as chief mouser at the Treasury in July 2016.

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has been taking cats since 1883 and has rescued, reunited or rehomed more than 3.1 million dogs and cats. For further information please visit Follow Battersea on Twitter @BDCH or


by Bob Graham

The post Politics: Simba and Peggy Could Rescue Parliament appeared first on Felix Magazine.

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