Wednesday 8 March 2017

IWD 2017: The W Stands For ‘Women’s’, Not ‘Whiner’s’

Today is International Women’s Day, and boy (or should that be girl?) is there a lot to say about it. It’s remarkable just how many people have an opinion on its validity, its meaning, its history and its future.

IWDNaturally, every single person and their opinion is taking to social media today. Navigating Twitter on 8th March is like driving home Christmas Day: everyone’s testing the socially acceptable limits and no one is safe. We have ranters, ravers and downright dipshits giving their opinion on whether women are allowed a day to come together and support each other and equality.

It clearly doesn’t take braincells or effort to turn an international day of positive celebration into into something negative.

Making your way through the muck is an endless and pretty thankless task. There’s simply too much commentary to tackle and most of it is self-involved and depressing as hell. There are arguments, misogyny, name-calling, threats, petulancy, hypersensitivity and for once it’s not coming from @realDonaldTrump. Sean Spicer is breathing a huge sigh of relief across the pond… Apparently he can take a day off, as others are willing to take on the moaning mantle.

With all this in mind, we won’t be doing an in-depth look into the ups and downs of IWD 2017. We just don’t have the will to put ourselves or you through it. Alternatively, we’ll be doing two simple things.

One is to wish a Happy International Women’s Day to everyone. May it be filled with the activity, weather and gender-role of your preference. The second is to leave you with Richard Herring’s Twitter feed.

Why exactly? Well, the British comedian spends this day every year giving directions to those dangerous IWD drunk drivers, by calmly and comedically answering the following inevitable question.


Every five minutes.


For the entire day.


We salute you, sir.




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