Tuesday 14 March 2017

Have a Go at the London Marathon

The London Marathon is a sporting institution in itself. Held in spring every year, it skyrockets the adrenaline of every serious and fun-loving participant alike. Approximately 38,000 runners will tackle the event. Many wear fabulous outfits with no intention of professing their time. Others have flown in from all over the world to beat their personal best. You can run, walk or cheer from the sidelines. However, each moment of this fabulous event is fun since only your presence is required. The London Marathon is open to individuals from all walks of life, from amateurs to professional athletes.

Fact File

London MarathonLondon Marathon-The London Marathon is the Guinness World Record’s largest marathon. -It has been going for 35 years and covers 26.2 miles. -Race Date: 23 April 2017

Website: www.virginmoneylondonmarathon.com  -Entry fee: £50-£100

Largely a flat course around the River Thames. Beautiful city landscape with many riverside landmarks. Great running conditions for the participants.


The route starts from the south of the Thames through ‘red start’ in southern Greenwich Park. The next points are ‘green start’ in St John’s Park and ‘blue start’ on Shooter’s Hill Road. After Blackheath the course finishes on the road in front of Buckingham Palace.

How to enter (as it’s not that simple)

There are various entry options available for people to participate in the London Marathon.  Ballot entry – Runs for a period of five days. The entries for the same usually start in the year before the marathon. Overseas entry – For those living outside UK, you get an overseas entry done by contacting any of the approved tour operators.  Charity entry – Approximately 15,000 places are available for guaranteed charity entries in the London Marathon.  Other entries are available for sporting organisations and past runners.London Marathon

London MarathonLondon MarathonWith approximately 170,000 applications and 38,000 prospective runners, the London Marathon is the second most popular marathon in the world.

By contributing €53 million to charity,it is the largest annual fundraising event with a variety of extravagant costumes and participants who just want to have fun.

For those participating for the first time, the London Marathon is incredible experience. The participants run with different motives in mind – some run for personal glory, a few to raise money for their favourite charity, and others just for fun, flaunting their custom-made dresses.

For the convenience of participants, the course is dotted with refreshments and entertainment spots – 23 water stations, 83 pubs and 41 live music sites. It is broadcast in 196 countries around the world and witnesses a phenomenal level of support by the crowd.

Statistics about the London Marathon

London Marathon

London MarathonThe participants are sure to find at least 76 pubs en route.

Participants of 23 different nationalities claim the title as the winner of the marathon.

Steve Chalke raised £2,330,159.38 in 2011, the highest amount raised by a runner in the marathon.

With £51.8 million being raised in 2011, that year was the most successful in terms of fundraising in the marathon.

Since its beginning in 1981, a record 924,741 runners has finished the course of the London Marathon.

With 18 titles under its belt, Kenya is the dominant country in the London Marathon.

No one has been able to beat Paula Radcliffe’s record of 2:15:25 in the women’s category to date.    Always remember to buy the right footwear.  The blisters are painful if you don’t!  Train properly with the help of a professional if needed.  Track your diet properly and watch your carbs and protein intake.

The post Have a Go at the London Marathon appeared first on Felix Magazine.

Have a Go at the London Marathon posted first on http://www.felixmagazine.com/

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