Wednesday 15 March 2017

Game of Thrones S7 – What Next for Jon Snow?

How do you even begin to describe Jon Snow, an ever-present through 6 series of Game of Thrones. A man whose fate seems inextricably linked with those around him.

He is the caring face of the ruthless War-Lord. Capable of appalling brutality, he has also showed a more gentle side on a number of occasions, although when talking about GoT, the word ‘gentle’ is relative.

jon snowJon Snow grew up in Winterfell, with everyone believing he was the bastard son of Eddard (Ned) Stark, Warden of the North. As he gets older, Snow becomes ever-more uncomfortable with his bastard status and eventually leaves Winterfell.  He joins the Night’s Watch at Castle Black, who are tasked with guarding the wall from the Wild-lings in the North, as well as repelling the threat of the seemingly indestructible White Walkers.

Snow takes time to settle in Castle Black but once he does, he quickly makes his mark. On an excursion north of the wall, he captures, then befriends, then develops a relationship with, Ygritte, a Wild-ling who is wild in every characteristic. This nearly proves Jon’s downfall, as does his offer of help to young Samwell Tarly. Jon eventually proves his loyalty to the Wild-lings and returns to Castle Black, hoping to create an alliance.

His efforts to unite two very different peoples leads to massive conflict but, with the support of his close friends, he manages to become Commander of the Night Watch. His quest to unite the warring tribes continues, and he also does his bit for World peace by slaying a White Walker with his sword, forged from Valyrian steel.

At the end of series five, Jon’s luck runs out, as he is brutally murdered by mutineers at Castle Rock, who repeatedly stab him in the chest. By this time, the temptress Mellisandre, a practitioner of very dark magic, is at Castle Black and she is persuaded to try and bring Jon Snow back from the dead.

She succeeds and Snow exacts revenge on the mutineers in blood-thirsty fashion.  He is reunited with Sansa Stark, who herself has been on a fairly eventful journey of her own. Together, they launch an attack on Ramsay Bolton, surely the most hated character in any TV series, ever.  No really, he was horrible. Billed as the ‘Battle of the Bastards’ Snow triumphs, and this is where things start to get really interesting for Jon.

He discovers that his father was not Ned Stark, but Rheagar Targaryen. This changes everything for Jon Snow. He’s still a bastard, but his bloodline places him in House Targaryen. He is technically Daenerys’ Nephew, which could prove awkward in the series to come. It could also prove very advantageous, as there is a strong likelihood that Jon Snow is able to fly a dragon, which points to a possible alliance between them.

It’s all leading towards some spectacular story lines for the coming series. Jon Snow, having spent his life in the northernmost parts of Westeros, is surely destined to have a big say in events further south, in Kings Landing.

Bring it on!

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