Tuesday 14 March 2017

Dany Cotton: The Unsung Hero Fighting Fire With Feminism

In February, big news was made when a woman became Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Cressida Dick’s appointment was followed by both celebration and censure. Her involvement in a civilian’s death following 7/7 could not be lightly overlooked by some. For others, it remained a righteous and long-awaited step on the way to smashing the glass ceiling. A woman holding the highest position in a male-dominated field deserved recognition.

dany cottonStrange then that the same story happened with the London Fire Brigade in January and no one batted and eyelid. As many of us were waking bleary-eyed from NYE revelry, 2017 had already quietly proved itself a better year than the last. On the 1st January, Dany Cotton took her place as Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade.

She’s the first female to do the job, in a field that’s famously physical, fiery and full of testosterone. Unlike Dick, she also comes without a black mark in her book. Ironic for a woman regularly covered in black marks, soot and smoke.

The Bright Spark of the London Brigade

Dany Cotton has been in the Brigade since she was 18. This was back in 1988, when the Fire Brigade was still a man’s world. There were just 30 women in a force of 6000, despite women almost running the joint during the war. 70,000 joined by 1943 but after the war, all of them were told women weren’t allowed to be firefighters anymore.

dany cottonWhen Cotton joined Wimbledon station, three of her male colleagues filed for a transfer and the boss told her he didn’t want her there. It’s a bad sign when fire isn’t the most unpleasant thing you have to fight at work. She proved them all wrong however: her boss became her advocate and all three men changed their mind. Since then she’s been climbing ladders outside buildings and inside the Brigade.

She hasn’t just been breaking records as Commissioner. She was first female to achieve many of the Brigade’s accolades, such as the Queen’s Fire Service Medal. She’s also used to being the highest ranking woman: it’s happened with almost every promotion. She was name Outstanding Public Servant of the Year in 2002 and six years later was awarded the Fire Brigade Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.

What She Means For London

With macho-machines Mi6 and the Met hoping to open their doors and demographics, Cotton’s inclusivity policies are ahead of the curve. Her key proposals include making the LFB much more inclusive and becoming a greater part of the communities they protect. Obviously her appointment will become a beacon guiding others to the Brigade.

dany cottonIt isn’t just the ultra-male image that stops people joining the London Fire Brigade though. Even the everyday jargon is biased toward men. Cotton cites the commonly used ‘fireman’ in an enemy against inclusion. The term firefighter is broader, doesn’t presume gender and lets face it, sounds so much cooler. ‘Firefighter Sam’ would be a simple step forward.

On top of all this, Cotton clearly loves the capital she serves. She’s given 29 years to London, put her life on the line for it over and over, yet she’s only just beginning. As Commissioner she wants the London Fire Brigade to maintain their stellar response times and cater to more specific incidents like flooding and terrorism.

Fighting Fire, Chauvinism and Hoarders

dany cottonNot all her causes are scary and sensational. One of the simplest is encouraging people to get a smoke alarm. Her force will fit one for free, so all you have to do is ask. Cotton would also like people to stop hoarding: it increases fire risks, helps it spread and makes getting inside a nightmare for her teams. If ever you needed a reason for a spring clean out, this is it.

With all the pressure and pomp her new role brings, you’d think Dany Cotton’s days of actual fires would be over – not so. She still goes out and fights with the teams she leads. She’s a hands on, humble leader, who hopes to continue being a role model. She might not have grabbed headlines, but she’s certainly earned them.

The post Dany Cotton: The Unsung Hero Fighting Fire With Feminism appeared first on Felix Magazine.

Dany Cotton: The Unsung Hero Fighting Fire With Feminism posted first on http://www.felixmagazine.com/

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