Monday 27 February 2017

Wayne Rooney – Top England/ManU goalscorer! But is he really a legend?

Wayne Rooney – Top England goalscorer.  Top Manchester United goalscorer. Legend.  But, is he really a legend? What truly defines a legend? What is the definition of a legend?

Is a legend who scores the most goals? Requests to leave a club twice? Laments on his fans when things are not going well? Questions perhaps the greatest manager of all time? No, I didn’t think so.

rooneyAnd maybe that’s why BBC’s poll proved over 30% believe Wayne Rooney should leave for China. Many United fans wont be too fussed about him leaving either. Twice in the last 5 years he has clashed with the Man United fans appearing to manoeuvre out of Old Trafford in return for either a new club or more lucrative contract.

Not only that, the demise of Wayne Rooney – once propelled as England’s next big thing for 25 years – has been extraordingary.  Many may forget, but Wayne is still only 31.  Ryan Giggs played until he was 40, Sheringham until he was 41 even David Seaman managed to hit 40. So, why do already many think his playing days are over?

There are many factors to this, but the main place to start is his position. For years, Rooney has been playing the role of Manchester and England’s Dark Knight. He had 3 good seasons playing in his favoured striker role for United, but apart from that has been used as many times as a donkey would be. He’s played left midfield, right midfield, centre of midfield, number 10, left back, holding midfielder – the list goes on.

So where does the blame lie? A brave man would say Alex Ferguson. Alex spotted many years ago Rooney did not have the same fire in his belly he once had. But, was that because of Alex utilising Rooney to fullfill other players potential?

If you think of the players down the years, Ronaldo, RVP, Berbatov, Tevez, Van Nistelrooy – Rooney has only ever played the role of Robin to them in this Batman sequel.

But, we have been here before. Michael Owen. He gave England and Liverpool 10 years at the top and then burned out. The same has happened with Rooney. So much so, that the prospect of him leaving to China doesn’t even batter an eye lid amongst the fans. Rooney’s best days are behind him but he’s still got plenty to offer. A wise head would tell Rooney to hang about at United and become a ambassador for life. A wealthy head would tell him to take the money and run.

Rooney for now has listened to his wise head. Funny how he released a statement saying he wants to stay at United this time round…United fans may ask, what’s changed since the last 2 times Mr Wolf?

Wherever he ends up, Rooney is not a legend. He’s just a very good footballer. A bit like Robin at the end of that Batman sequel…

Nubaid  Haroon – Youtube:  Twitter:

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